User Dada

The function input is int use id and the out put is object with some user details

$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
echo '<pre>'; 
echo '</pre>';
// the output: 
  public 'data' => 
      public 'ID' => string '1204' (length=4)
      public 'user_login' => string 'parentYanivparentSasson1205' (length=27)
      public 'user_pass' => string '$P$BESNz9f19SpdAJLWXqS5MlFFh1Nv3./' (length=34)
      public 'user_nicename' => string 'parentyanivparentsasson1205' (length=27)
      public 'user_email' => string '[email protected]' (length=18)
      public 'user_url' => string '' (length=0)
      public 'user_registered' => string '2023-04-13 20:43:20' (length=19)
      public 'user_activation_key' => string '' (length=0)
      public 'user_status' => string '0' (length=1)
      public 'display_name' => string 'parentYaniv parentSasson' (length=24)
  public 'ID' => int 1204
  public 'caps' => 
    array (size=1)
      'admin_students' => boolean true
  public 'cap_key' => string 'wp_capabilities' (length=15)
  public 'roles' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => string 'admin_students' (length=14)
  public 'allcaps' => 
    array (size=8)
      'switch_themes' => boolean false
      'manage_categories' => boolean false
      'read_post' => boolean false
      'edit_pages' => boolean false
      'delete_pages' => boolean false
      'publish_posts' => boolean false
      'delete_others_posts' => boolean false
      'admin_students' => boolean true
  public 'filter' => null
  private 'site_id' => int 1